Sound Editing-Mixing
& Broadcast Journalism Writing Samples
The Ultimate Sale
Audio Story
December 2020
This project aimed at demonstrating my skills as a writer and audio producer. The challenge was based on using four random media sources: a journal entry and three photos from my phone. The story encourages its intended audience, Real Estate Agents, to care for their health to meet their professional and life goals. The outcome features a variety of music, narration, voice-overs and sound effects, many of which I personally created for this project.
Buck Rogers - Episode #1
Old-Time Radio Show
April 2018
This radio program was recorded for the Audio Production Techniques class at Montgomery College using an old-time radio script. Voices were recorded in a radio booth, while music and sound effects were layered, edited and mixed in post-production. I was in charge of producing the show, from choosing a script to finding the right sound effects and music, and editing and mixing the final product.
GALA Hispanic Theatre
Radio Package
October 2019
This radio package story was produced for the Broadcast Journalism class at Montgomery College. Apart from researching the topic and writing the script, I conducted and recorded the live interviews and natural sound bites, and edited and mixed all the audio elements.
Isiah Leggett Press Conference
Radio Package
November 2019
This story was produced out of a mock press conference with Former Montgomery County Executive Isiah Leggett for the Broadcast Journalism class at Montgomery College. As a journalist I had to take a specific angle from the different topics Mr. Leggett talked about and create a story. I used some of his sound bites to fully produce this radio package.
Person on the Street Interview: Frozen 2
Radio Story
November 2019
Producing this story was challenging, as I had to approach ‘people on the street’ and ask them to share their opinions on the topic I was writing about: the movie Frozen 2. This was another production for Broadcast Journalism class at Montgomery College
The Kennedy´s Center The REACH
Radio Package
September 2019
As part of Montgomery College’s Broadcast Journalism class, I had to research a current topic, write about it and find sound bites to produce it as radio story. For this assignment, I focused on the Kennedy Center’s brand-new expansion ‘The REACH.’ I used sound bites from one their videos to adapt it for the radio.