Producing Videography
& Editing Samples
These are samples of works I have researched, written,
produced, filmed and edited.
Public Transportation
and COVID-19
September 2020
Award of Distinction winner
at the 27th Annual
Communicator Awards
in 2021, in the
‘Online Video-Public Service’
In this documentary I highlight some of the main concerns for public transit agencies as well as commuters, as the country grapples with ways to deal with the COVID-19 pandemic. A version of the documentary aired as part of Montgomery College Television's Outlook Montgomery series. This is the director's cut.
Montgomery County Board of Elections Public Information Officer, in a virtual interview, talks about the 2020 primary elections in the county and how they prepared to deal with the Coronavirus pandemic. An opening news package offers a glimpse at the importance of these primaries and how Montgomery College students feel about the process.
Primary Elections in Montgomery County
Package & Interview Segment
April 2020
Desmond Meade
Social Media Promo
March 2020
Desmond Meade, Activist and President of the Florida Rights Restoration Coalition, attended a Black History Month event at Montgomery College, where he delivered an impactful message. I was able to interview him and capture a few shots of his presentation to create this short video highlighting the College’s effort to promote social justice.
Sonia De Los Santos
Profile / Smithsonian Institution
July 2019
Produced through Montgomery College Television in partnership with the Smithsonian Folklife Festival, this video introduces Mexican singer/songwriter Sonia De Los Santos. I was in charge of all the different aspects of the pre-production, production and post-production.
Immigration: A New Beginning
September 2019
This documentary features a Venezuelan immigrant whose story resembles that of many immigrant families in the U.S. This project was produced, filmed and edited by a team of two. However, the bulk of the editing process was my responsibility.
Voice for the Voiceless
Archival Storytelling
August 2019
As part of a new program initiative, Montgomery College Television repurposes archived presentations and lectures. A host wrap-around was added to create a new show – ‘Voice for the Voiceless’ – to highlight Montgomery College’s commitment to underserved communities. I was in charge of researching the given topic and finding the corresponding footage, writing the script, scheduling wrap-around shoots, hosting a few episodes and the entire post-production process.
MCTV's Virtual Set
Feature Story
December 2019
This feature story was produced for the Electronic Field Production class at Montgomery College. It continues to air on Montgomery College Television’s Verizon and Comcast channels as part of the EFP TV Show. This package is one that I’m most proud of. As producer, I was behind every aspect of its creation. I gathered the pre-recorded footage and combined it with the interviews and b-roll I shot. I scheduled the interviews and obtained access to the different locations to capture all additional visuals, and edited the story from beginning to end.
Maracas Making
Instructional / Smithsonian Institution
July 2019
This is another video produced by Montgomery College Television in partnership with the Smithsonian Folklife Festival. The concept of this video was to show one way children participated in the festival, and how much fun they had creating their own musical instruments.
The Simple Things
Public Service Announcement
December 2019
Based on the concept of understanding, this Public Service Announcement was created for the Electronic Field Production class at Montgomery College. It continues to air on Montgomery College Television’s Verizon and Comcast channels as part of the EFP TV Show. As producer and creator, I envisioned from the beginning shooting the entire sequence from the point of view of the characters. By storyboarding it, I made sure that the visual storytelling would be clear to the viewer. The editing phase of this project was one of the most fun I’ve had editing any project.
MC's Television & Radio Programs
Television Commercial
April 2018
This commercial was created for the Video Editing class at Montgomery College. Each student was tasked with producing an original commercial: writing a script, shooting his own footage and editing the final product to completion.